
Labeling Made Easy with Different Types of Labelling Machines

Since industrialization kicked in, we have greatly applied our knowledge and science to different procedures and made equipment to deal with different procedures.

Any product has to be labeled appropriately to make it more attractive to consumers and also providing relevant details and information regarding the use, expiry dates and manufacture address, etc. Proper precise labeling is important as a label is the first thing a customer checks and you want to have a nice first impression. Labeling by hands not only takes a lot of time, it is very difficult to obtain similar place of stickers across different bottles.

Labeling equipment are an easy solution to both of these problems. Several labeling equipment are available which cater to different needs of producers.

We, here at Bhagwati Pharma are pleased to present to you these industrial robots and would look forward to these machines being helpful to your brand.

Advantages of the labeling equipment are:

  1. High turnover rate
  2. Reduced manpower need
  3. Accuracy
  4. Short time interval
  5. Safer for the employees
  6. Risks of cutting hands by glass bottles is dealt with
  7. Harmful gluing chemicals need not be handled.

The three main kinds of equipment currently in use that might serve the purpose for you as well are as follows.

Bottle sticker labeling machine

Automatic Round Cum Single Side Double Side Front & Back Bottle Sticker Labelling MachineConsider any kind of bottle packaging you might have seen. Almost all of these are labeled with the help of a bottle sticker labeling machine. Starting from drink bottles, bottles of stationery products to all the cosmetic bottles and so on. Even the square shaped bottles can be easily labeled by this machine. The machine can be of the rotary, three sided, wrap around variety. These can be used for a variety of labeling needs of the manufacturer. Bottles are to be placed on the conveyor belt manually and the sticker rolls from the other side. The stickers are applied to the bottles which are then pressed between the rollers and these are then collected in a container from the other side.

Wet glue labeling machine

High Speed Wet Glue Labeling Machine Wet Glue Labeler Machine This wet glue labelling equipment may be autonomic or semi autonomic depending on the manufacturer requirements. Generally this machine is of the rotational variety. The bottle to be labeled is placed at its stipulated place and rotated around so that the entire wrap-around sticker can be applied.

Double sided sticker labeling machine

These machines are equipped with latest technology to label both the front and back sides of the product simultaneously thus reducing the workload even further. Here the bottles are placed on a conveyor belt that passes through the centre of the machine and from either side two roles of labels designated to be front and back are stuck on to the respective side of the bottle. This machine has a built in system to ensure proper orientation of the bottles and subsequent accurate placement.

Now that we have looked over the significant working details, let us decide the appropriate labelling equipment according to the use for your brand.

Oval bottle, pump bottle, rectangular bottles, waterbottle, medicine bottle, wine bottle, etc can be labeled with double sided sticker labeling machine.

To label a wrap-around label across a bottle, wet glue labeling machine is the best option.